How to Start Dropshipping Business in India

drop shipping

There is still a chance for you if you don’t want to enter into product manufacture and production or aren’t sure what kind of things to sell — dropshipping in India.


Dropshipping is a retail practice where a store sells things without having to keep them on hand. Instead, it serves as a storefront for the sale of goods, which are subsequently delivered directly to customers when an order is placed with the supplier or manufacturer.


As a result, you as the seller are relieved of the need to handle the product personally or keep inventory in storage facilities.

How does it function?

The supplier is one of the most important components of a dropshipping business plan. You purchase the item from the supplier who then dropships the order directly to the customer when a customer places an order. The major components of a dropshipping business model are depicted in this graphic.


With the dropshipping business model, you may market your company and brand by choosing the best wholesalers, retailers, or suppliers for your dropshipping goods.

Why should you start dropshipping in India?

An affordable option to launch an online store or an eCommerce business in India is through drop shipping.


You may sell goods online without worrying about carrying, storing, or managing a product inventory. Additionally, it eliminates the requirement for order fulfillment and shipment.


Launching an internet store in India is, overall, a low-risk business strategy because of dropshipping.


India’s eCommerce sales are expected to increase at an annual pace of 51%, making it the market with the most potential for entrepreneurs.


Irrespective of the goods you wish to offer, dropshipping in India is the ideal way to test the waters.


India is also one of the foremost providers of goods and raw materials to a variety of industries. In order to ensure that orders are delivered quickly when you start dropshipping in India, you might really decide to collaborate with a local supplier or manufacturer.


Here are a few advantages of dropshipping in India, in brief:

  • Lower initial capital expenditure
  • The low overhead compared to other models, simple to start
  • Location options
  • Numerous products to choose from
  • Easier to experiment with various marketplaces
  • Scaling is simpler


Prerequisites for Starting a Dropshipping Business

Before beginning a dropshipping business in India or anywhere else, you need to do some careful preparation, in-depth research, and raise a little amount of money. The following tips can help your dropshipping business venture go more smoothly:


Choose the proper niche.


The following step would depend on how well you understand your industry. Choose a specialization that aligns with your company’s objectives and aims. A specialist store is preferable to a broad store because the former can make it easier for you to develop a clientele. The question asks whether you would rather purchase a shoe from Adidas, a company that specializes in footwear, or from a petrol station.


Recognize which dropshipping merchandise should eschew.


Despite the fact that drop shipping spares you the trouble of storing and transporting. Finding the appropriate dropshipping items to send is crucial. The improper product selection might have a detrimental effect on your business and clients’ confidence. Avoid choosing things that are technically difficult for your consumers, delicate, or too heavy to ship.


Do thorough research before choosing a supplier.


Suppliers are essential to the success of your dropshipping business because they guarantee product delivery and packing. Do extensive research to choose your best source. Place more emphasis on the caliber of the goods and services offered than on the expense of the providers. In the long run, choosing a less expensive provider out of need may cost you more.


Understand the significance of Google Analytics tools


To create a dropshipping business in India, the google analytics tool is quite helpful in determining your specialty, researching trends, comprehending consumer behavior and target markets, and choosing products. More information about using this tool is available here.


Choose your marketing approach.


Clearly define your marketing strategy for your dropshipping company. Your marketing strategies, target market, and the type of product you are selling will all influence how much money you spend on advertising. You might use affiliate marketing and influencer marketing if you have a limited budget. Nevertheless, avoid joining the group of drop shippers who begin selling but fail to amass a devoted clientele without a marketing strategy.


There is more competition than you may realize.


Don’t undervalue the competition you’ll encounter when you begin your dropshipping operation in India. There could be a lot of rivals selling the same goods. However, if your dropshipping services or products distinguish you from your rivals, your firm can coexist with others.

Identify the online e-commerce platform and create a website.


Starting a dropshipping business in India is difficult without a website listing your items and an effective e-commerce platform to sell them on. Indian dropshippers might benefit from the assistance of e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Amazon, Indiamart, or Baapstore.


How to Start a Dropshipping Business in India: What Are the Steps?

A simple tutorial on how to launch a dropshipping company in India is provided below:


Step 1: Determine your industry niche


Step 2: Research your rivals and identify what sets you apart from them.


Step 3: Select your dropshipping merchandise


Step 4: Look for a dependable vendor who offers high-caliber goods.


Step 5: Set your product prices


Step 6: Establish your dropshipping website.


Step 7: Build the website and choose a safe payment processor.


Step 8: Create a marketing strategy to promote your drop-shipping company.


Step 9: Select an online shopping platform


Step 10: Begin selling!

Different Business Models for Dropshipping

Numerous variations exist for the drop shipping business concept. Depending on your company venture, you could choose which model to use for your dropshipping business in India:


Reselling of goods

The purest and most popular type of dropshipping is product reselling. In this business model, the drop shipper brings products from many suppliers together for clients to purchase. To draw buyers, the secret is to highlight the distinctive features of the products. If you are strong at marketing, product resale can be your calling. For instance, selling products that meet the requirements of a work-from-home audience requires sufficient marketing and product knowledge to highlight their distinctiveness and the reasons why clients should purchase them.


Business augmentations

Retailers and store owners may grow their businesses online using the business extension approach. The dropshipping firms work with the merchants to send the goods to clients whenever the dropshipping website receives an order. To implement this approach, a positive working connection between the drop shipper or dropshipping business and the shop is required.


Product development

A dropshipping business strategy in which many items are combined to create a single product is known as product creation. Let’s say you want to offer a kit for DIY crafts. This kit would likely contain a variety of supplies, like tape, ribbons, ornamental threads, coloring pencils, and craft sheets. For instance, this image depicts a craft kit with 22 pieces that are packaged as a single item.


Finding the ideal supplier or suppliers for your items is the challenging part. Finding a single provider for all the items in your bundle is ideal because otherwise, individual items might be shipped in different ways.


Print as needed

Dropshipping products with text or names printed on them is known as print on demand. one of the simplest dropshipping enterprises to run in India. Mugs, t-shirts, mobile covers, pens, and curtains are a few of the popular items available for print-on-demand service. Here is an illustration of a Gifteeng product: personalized couples t-shirts available on Amazon.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Drop Shipping

Before starting a dropshipping business in India, it’s critical to understand the benefits and drawbacks of the practice.


The main benefits are:

  • It is quick and simple to start, and it costs very little to do so.
  • One need not always have a well-established corporate entity.
  • Managing inventory, packing, and shipping worries are gone.
  • access to vendors’ millions of products.
  • You have the freedom to determine your own profit margins. It shouldn’t be set too high either, as that would cost you, consumers.
  • Comparatively simple to scale—Unlike the typical business model, where the workforce grows along with the stock and clientele. Scaling up is much simpler with dropshipping because changes can be made via the supplier.


The dropshipping industry, however, has the following drawbacks:

  • Lower profit margins than those of similar businesses
  • Your supplier can cause you to run into problems with inventories. Additionally, inventory Management is uncontrollable.
  • Challenges with the shipping procedure, the goods not being available, the wrong product Being sent, invoicing problems, or incorrect product quantities.
  • Poor product quality, product damage, excessive cost, late delivery, or uncooperative suppliers are a few examples of supplier problems.
  • A fierce rivalry
  • Fewer control over how customers are treated


Advice for a Drop-Ship Business

No matter how simple it may seem to launch a dropshipping business in India, a lot can go wrong. We have some advice that can make running your dropshipping business easier for you:


Managing mistakes


Any company endeavor will inevitably run into issues. You can experience problems with the supplier, deliveries, products, or inventory. It’s preferable to take responsibility for the error rather than assign blame when a customer suffers, regardless of the cause of the problem. Try to make amends to the clients by giving them a discount on the following purchase, paying back the shipping costs, or replacing or upgrading the item.


Don’t depend just on one source


It’s best to work with several suppliers to reduce the risk and dependence on a single source, regardless of how effective or customer-focused your provider is. The frequency of order fulfillment, the likelihood of product unavailability, and inventory capacity might all be improved by using many suppliers. Pay close attention to product selection from a variety of providers as well as inventory management.


To guarantee customer support


You could believe that you are capable of handling all consumer emails, questions, returns, or requests on your own. Upon receiving the first wave of emails, inquiries, and demands, you will really feel overburdened. Hire someone to handle client contacts and service via phone, email, or chats based on your budget. Outstanding customer service positively affects your business and cultivates long-lasting client connections.


Create a concise return policy.


For any dropshipping business, a well-written refund policy is essential. The secret is to be open and honest about the return policy. Mention the terms, product exclusions, procedures, hidden fees, time frame, and other return-related restrictions. Try to avoid preventing customers from placing orders by making the return process as simple as possible.


Don’t undervalue the value of marketing


Once the website is operational, concentrate more of your efforts on promotion. Without a well-thought-out marketing strategy, building a consumer base is challenging. Increase the amount of traffic to your website by using social media marketing, SEO, and advertising. Advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can all help you advertise your company on a budget.


Emphasize excellence


For any dropshipping business in India, guaranteeing quality is crucial for your website, supplier, products, and customer service. Make a website that is effective, SEO-optimized, and features top-notch product photos, videos, and descriptions. Select reputable vendors who offer high-quality goods, and don’t skimp on client happiness.


Tracking your rivals


Monitoring your rivals is the finest strategy to quicken your pace of improvement. You can get knowledge from the blunders, clever suggestions, and service implementation of your rivals. To refine and distinguish your strategy, constantly assess and examine the rivals’ websites, product listings, and social media platforms.



We hope this blog post has improved your understanding of how to establish a dropshipping business in India and the various aspects involved. By launching your dropshipping business in India and seizing the chances present, you may ignite your entrepreneurial spirit.

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