103 best small start-up ideas to start in 2021

You are currently viewing 103 best small start-up ideas to start in 2021


Along with the day job, if a person gets an opportunity to earn an additional income, he would love it. These additional sources of income could be a side business that one can start utilising his spare time. These side businesses not only enhance one’s skills but, if rewarding, can convert into a full-fledged business. Every individual desires to be their boss and work as per their convenience. Keeping this in mind, outlined below is a list of the 103 side business ideas. 


Blogging: The first step necessary to start a blog is the management of the technicalities involved in the work. Then the blogger should get the knowledge of the audience’s needs. Later the blogger should try to drive the readers towards his blog. One can earn up to a six figures salary through blogging.


Graphic Designing: There are many online courses available to learn the skill of graphic designing. With tools like Adobe Illustrator and Stencils, the field is getting open for all the creative people. A person can sell his designs either on Etsy or can aid the related small businesses and earn money.


Designing a website: Web designers are assets for technology companies. The business is about designing a web or app so that people have worthy experience using it. Almost every new business needs web designers to develop their website. There are many books (by Jon Duckett) and online courses available to pursue this skill. 


Developing a web: Within a few months, a person can learn the skills of developing a website through various online courses. Once through any of the programming languages like python, a person can start freelancing his services. An example of the services offered is developing a new layout of the blog for a customer.


Online Courses: If a person possesses expertise in a particular skill, then then they can start teaching these skills to others. This can be done by creating an online course. There may be a large number of people ready to pay to learn that skill. 


Ebooks: For the people possessing writing skill, writing a downloadable ebook is a good side business. An ebook can outline any skill the person has expertise in, stories of their own or anything that attracts an audience. The knowledge of writing an ebook can be achieved through various online courses.


Marketing on Instagram: For earning money through Instagram marketing, one should be able to create a large following of his account. Many companies approach the person if the account content is related to their product and services. Hence account holders can charge a suitable amount for posting the company’s product and earn.


  1. Online Coaching: If a person has any skill that he is very passionate about, he can convert it into online coaching. The person can provide one on one coaching to the interested clients. Many online courses are there that can help in getting started with this side business.


9.Podcasting: creating podcasts is an innovative business idea. Especially when the podcasters can manage to build a consistent audience for their podcast, podcasts that are listened to can attract sponsors regularly. And through this money, one can fund podcast business. An online course by Alex Blumberg can teach ways of launching a podcast.


  1. Amazon Reselling: A person can become an amazon seller if he has the goods and products to sell. This can also be done by locally buying a product at a low price and reselling it on amazon. A good amount of profit can be earned through this business. 


  1. Local Business Consulting: Over the years, working in the industry if a person has built some strong skill. Or he has earned a high-price certificate; then this is business for him. The person can start offering his advice to the local businesses and make money in return.


  1. Phone Case Business: People are earning up to 7 figures from this side business. The market for phone cases and accessories is big. One can dive into it if they have a little knack of creativity. Platforms like Etsy and Amazon handmade offer their services to do the selling.  


  1. Commission-Only Sales: For people who can connect with others easily and can take a little risk, this is the side business for them. Many startups look for these sales representatives during their starting phase. The person has to get a good product and learn negotiation to earn profit through this business. 


  1. Affiliate Sales and marketing: For people who already have an online targeted audience, money can be made through affiliate marketing. Some of the affiliate networks are Clickbank, ShareASale and Skimlinks. In fact, through these networks, a person can increase his income; from the content, he has already produced.


  1. Virtual Assistant: If a person has knowledge of almost all the professions, a virtual assistant is the best side business for him. While doing this, a person will meet new people that will help in building a network. He may learn more new skills and expand his side business. 


  1. TAX Preparation: At the end of the financial year, every individual needs tax expertise to assist them in tax calculations. These tax experts are in demand, especially for small businesses. A person can learn the necessary skills through an online course. These experts earn money by charging against the tax work done.


  1. Remote English Teacher: English is the language of the world. There’s a huge market for this sort of side business. One can earn money by teaching English to clients. Also, this side business offers travelling the world if one is open for it. Indeed and many other job portals have this job posted.


  1. SAT tutor: For people who have already cleared standard tests or have profound knowledge about these tests, they can start online coaching services. Parents are willing to pay a reasonable amount to these tutors as it promises admission to the college of their kids choice. 


  1. Social Media Manager: For people spending a lot of time on social media platforms, earning money through social media is a good side business. Some many small firms and enterprises require these people. These people help them in building their brand through social media platforms and earn money in return.


  1. Google Paid Ad Specialist: With knowledge about earning money through internet marketing and ease with Google, a person can make money. This is done by campaigning for google ads of a company. This business will eventually bring in more clients, and thus earning can increase.  


  1. Presentation Design Consultant: For a person with less knowledge about making PowerPoint presentations, an expert is needed as a guide. Hence arise another side business idea. A person earns by making visually appealing and interesting presentations for his clients. Tobis Schelle is the best example of this side business.


  1. Travel Consultant: Travel lovers looking for airfare sales and searching for some exotic locations, Travel consultant is the right choice. They can start this business by advising their friends and then by creating a page on Facebook or LinkedIn. Later it can be converted to a full time consulting job.


  1. Landing Page Specialist: If a person is an expert in keyword research and friends with words. Also, if he can build a gorgeous landing page, then it can be converted into a side business. Designing even a small landing page makes hundreds of money. 


  1. Interior Design Consultant: If a person has a knack of interior designing, then he can convert this into a side business. People need advice from these consultants when remodelling a part of their house. Contemporist is one such platform where one may need to sign up to get the clients.


  1. HouseSitter: Though not a regular income side business, this business is exciting for people who love travelling. This business will fulfil travelling zest and provide a rent-free living. Traveller, Matt has provided ideas for this side business through his websites.


  1. Babysitter: Age is no bar for this side business as many thought. Love for kids and caring is what a person likes, then he can join this side business and earn money. A person can work on weekends and during nights for this earning.  


  1. Property Manager: A person can manage the work of the owners lending their house for rent and earn money. He can collect rent, arrange for the maintenance work and be ready to visit when called in some emergency. Property managers are required by many real estate investors as well.


  1. Sell on Etsy: If creativity and crafting is an easy job, then one can earn money by selling these products on Etsy. Phone cases, rings, cards are some of the handmade products that one can create and sell. Once a brand image is developed, this side business can be shifted to an e-commerce business.


  1. eBay Sales: Just like it is reselling on Amazon, eBay is also a platform for doing the same business. One can earn a good profit by selling some locally bought product. There is also a facility of auction selling on eBay. This can be used for some other making on some exotic products.


  1. Fiverr Gigs: Fiverr is a platform for beginners, people who want to make their portfolio but have no experience. By doing some small task like designing a logo or short animation, one can make some money. The money earned can be used as an investment for another business idea.


  1. College Admissions Essay Tutor and Editor: Many parents are willing to pay those who can edit essays on varying topics on behalf of them. This business is not meant to write the whole essay but to advise on writing a new piece. This business has the capability to expand by word of mouth.


  1. Portrait Photographer: For those just clicking awesome pictures as a hobby, they can convert to an earning side business. The business can be started by offering free services to friends and family to build a portfolio. Later it can be converted to a paid side business by doing professional photography. 


  1. Wedding Photographer: Through this side business one can make really good money. Wedding photographers charge elite rates for their services. Build a good portfolio by shooting some friends’ weddings. The business can build the clientele by getting referred through friends and families and uploading the work on social media. 


  1. Online Dating Consultant: For people having trouble with online dating, providing consulting services is a good side business. If a person can talk easily and smoothly, he can be of great help to such people. Thus one can earn money by becoming a paid consultant of online dating. 


  1. Writing Erotic Fiction: If there is an imagination for writing erotic content, then this is the best side business. A person can have a chance of making thousands of money a month by writing about step-brothers, tentacles and werewolves. This work can be done using an interesting pseudonym.


  1. Writing Greeting Cards: If a person has a poetic side, then he can earn money by writing for the greeting cards. An earning of around $310 can be made by just one poem that is written on a published greeting card. 


  1. WordPress Website Consultant: Almost every business owner starts its online presence using a WordPress website. People are paid to help entrepreneurs in starting their business idea online. To learn the skills necessary to go for this option as a side business and turn it into a profitable occupation. 


  1. Drive for Uber or Lyft: This option can be used for extra earnings on nights and weekends or whenever the person wants. Before starting this side business, one should get the full knowledge of the expenses that the vehicle may make. Calculate the cost of gas, wear and tear, tires, etc. which you will have to deduct from your earning. 


  1. Rent Your Car: In many cases, the person who owns the car doesn’t use it to a great extent. It is often parked unused, especially during weekdays. The car owners can rent them to services like Drivezy and make extra money. These services take good care of the car, and drivers are also monitored.


  1. Art Collector: For those who love and appreciate art, the art collection is a good side business. These people can collect good artwork from students of dedicated colleges and universities. These students offer their art at a bargain price which can later be resold at a profitable price.


  1. Catering Business: If a person is good at cooking and enjoys it, then this is the right choice of a side business for him. This business is mostly dependent on positive feedback and word of mouth. A happy first customer can make or break the business, so be careful for the first time. 


  1. Develop an app: If there is a little interest in learning to code, then one can use it to build apps. Try to find the best idea and make a perfect app that is easy to use for customers. Money can be earned by selling these apps.


  1. Online News Correspondent: This side business does not demand a degree in journalism. A lot of news websites (The examiner or HuffPost) require the help of the people to gather local news. Write the news article and earn money from the revenue it will generate.


  1. Patent Something: This side business idea does not work for all. It is for the people who can create something that can be produced in an inexpensive manner for society’s benefit. When a patented thing is produced for general mass, its owner earns money.


  1. Buy and Sell Domain Names: Just do not quit the full-time job for this side business as it is predicted to be short term. If a person has a knack of naming a blog which can generate revenue in the future, this is the right side business for him. 


  1. Start a Pop Up Shop: Instead of starting an expensive retail business, one can begin a popup shop. Anything from bracelets, poncho, t-shirts, doughnuts, cards etc. can be sold through this weekend popup shop. There is no worry to pay rent, and the earning goes directly into one’s pocket.


  1. Brew Your Beer: This business is for the beer lovers. If one loves beer, one can start making money by locally producing beer. Invest the time to learn the craft and create a unique beer for which people are willing to pay that is demanded.  


  1. Freelance Proofreading and Editing: If there is enough patience for reading and editing an article, this is side business that one can start. Through this business, one earns not only extra money but also reads diverse and interesting articles. There are a lot of job postings from many companies for this work.


  1. Buy Used Electronics and Refurbish Them: If one has the skill to correct the electronics, then one can make money from this side business. Many people tend to sell their defective mobile phones, laptops, cameras etc. If a person can fix those defects, then he can earn by buying the broken piece and selling it after correction.


  1. Data Analysis: For people who are good at numbers, the data analyst is the right side business for them. A lot of companies are interested in people who can analyse their data and make predictions. A good amount of money can be earned through this business.


  1. Acquire and Resell Parts from Electronics Stores: Plenty of the valuable items are dumped as garbage from the big stores around the world. It may include tablets, cartridges, phones etc. If one has the patience to search through the entire garbage one can opt for this side business. 


  1. Freelance Writing & Copywriting: There are almost uncountable websites on the internet. Many of these websites hire writers for content like FAQs. One can start this side business as a beginner and build the portfolio. Once a portfolio is built that itself reflects the work, one can charge as per his rates.


  1. Licensed Product Distributor: Many products are not available locally. With proper calculation and predicting products’ demand, one can start selling the foreign product locally. Just get the licensing done and start the business. This business can be rewarding for many years in the future.


  1. Fill Out Online Surveys: This side business does not require any expertise. Just fill the surveys available on companies like User Interviews and get the money (not that big). The payments of these surveys come in the form of google pay, PayPal, Paytm or Amazon gift.  


  1. Airbnb Host: If one has an empty house or even a room in the home that is not used, it can be rented on Airbnb. It is a legal business that can be operated from home. It also gives the opportunity of meeting with people of different cultures and making new friends.


  1. Personal Fitness Trainer: For fitness and health-conscious people, becoming a personal fitness trainer is a good side business option. This business not only helps the person to stay in good shape but also supports financially. Once a good reputation and clientele are built, this can be converted into a full-time business. 


  1. Yoga or Meditation Instructor: As the popularity of yoga is increasing so is the demand for yoga instructors. This side business also helps the instructor to stay in good physical and mental health. A person can contact the local studio to teach yoga at night or during weekends. He can also start offering his services at his own home. 


  1. Start a YouTube Channel: If a person can think of some video content that can attract an audience, then he can start a youtube channel. Once the channel starts driving the audience and gets thousands of subscribers, the channel starts making money through ads. With regular good content, timings and audience, this side business can make millions.


  1. Translator: Having a profound knowledge of another language, including its grammar and spellings, can be transformed into a side business. Such people can work as translators right from their home and earn money. Flexjobs is one of the platforms on which people can register to look for this job.


  1. Tour Guide: If a person is living at any tourist location and knows about the place very profoundly, then he can become a tour guide. Through this side business, one can meet and be friends with people from different ethnicities. One can later start his own tour company and convert it into a full-time business.


  1. Music Instructor: For people who can play musical instruments like guitar, piano, flute professionally can opt this side business. They can teach students through private tuitions and charge up to $100/hour based on their skills. Also, these people can produce their music and go into sound design. 


  1. Stock Photographer: If a person enjoys clicking pics of the happy smiling families and children playing with balloons, then this side business is perfect. Money can be earned by selling the images to companies like Shutterstock, which are into this business. Also, every time the picture clicked by the person gets licensed, he receives a royalty. 


  1. GhostWriter: For persons who are amazing at writing good content on a specific range of topics, ghostwriting is a good option. These people can write for business executives and CEO of the company. Once a good clientele and portfolio are built, they can start it for full time living.


  1. Online Subcontracting: Once a person has established himself in various freelancing businesses, he can book other freelancers. These freelancers will subtract the work, and the person can focus on growing clientele, inside sales and revenue generation.  


  1. Dj-ing: Have a knack for music? Then one starts his side business either by creating his music or by mixing it. This side business does demand profound knowledge of sound design, mixing and other related technicalities. So one should not expect to become a big hit on the first shot.


  1. Clothing Alterations and Tailoring: If a person is good with thread and needle, styling and grooming, then this side business can be very profitable. There is a vast market of people interested in getting their clothes fixed. This business can be harmlessly started on a smaller note and expanding as the work progresses. 


  1. Teach DIYs: If a person can teach learners about one’s interesting hobbies, crafts and passion. There are a lot of DIY platforms like Instructables, where a person can get more ideas about this side business. A youtube channel supported by ads can also be started for teaching DIYs.


  1. Baking: If you love to bakethen why not make money through it? Baking is a good side business. One can sell the baked products to the baking section of the local stores and earn money. A person can open his shop from the money earned and may turn it into a full-time job. 


  1. Being a Taskrabbit: If a person has no problem in doing other chores, then they can make this as a side business. Money is massive during the early phases, but later as much as $7500 can be earned. A person can start with walking a neighbour’s dog or offering gardening services.


  1. Freelance Content Marketing: If a person can offer gripping content, there is a considerable demand for them in this side business. Brands always require approving content to attract new customers, so this skill will still be in demand. One can start by contacting remote business owners who can benefit from one’s marketing tactics.


  1. Freelance Ebook Writing: Ever wanted to publish a book? Well, then this is the right choice of side business. With the availability of self-publishing market publishing, one own book has become easy. With more number of self-published books and more buyers, a person can earn thousands of dollars.


  1. Investing Money: There are people, especially homemakers, who keep their money hidden at someplace in the house. These people can increase the worth of their money by investing in the stock market. Learn about investing in stock through various online courses and start smart investment in inventories.


  1. Investing Other’s money: For a person with profound knowledge in stocks investment and share market, investing other’s money is a perfect side business. Guiding others on where to invest in getting the best returns will bring money in the form of consultation charges. If the opposite results are achieved, this business can harm relations.


  1. Accounting and Bookkeeping: There is a growing trend of outsourcing small tasks such as HR, accounting to freelancers by startups and small businesses. A person possessing these skills can benefit from this opportunity and start it as a side business. Businesses always need people to track their finances, and the demand for this job seems evergreen.


  1. Building a niche website: Get an audience interested in a hobby or passion and do thorough research. Learn how to build a website. And one is all set to earn money. This side business will require a lot of investment in terms of time and technicalities. 


  1. Car washing and detailing: If a person does not mind earning money by washing others car, then he can make money doing so. These days many car owners do not have time to take care of their vehicle all by themselves. All one need is to grab the opportunity and enjoy it during weekends and earn a little extra money.


  1. Caregiving: Through caregiving, one is responsible for taking overall care of older people. A person should have a genuine fondness for these people. This side business is not for all. One needs to have knowledge of first aid, training certificates, business permit and many desired skills for caregiving.


  1. Carpet Cleaning: The carpet, no doubt, makes the home comfortable and cosy, but it catches dust and stains and insects overuse. These carpets need cleaning, and one can grab this as an opportunity for a side business. Either one can serve individually or open a small company serving the purpose.


  1. House Cleaning: With a busy schedule and family busy in their job, people need someone who can take care of house cleaning. One can use this as an opportunity to provide services to clean houses, including carpets, garbage, lawn etc. One can hire cleaning people to do the job while himself managing the administration.


  1. Child Care: The child care side business is for people who love kids and do not mind taking care of them. With limited resources at parents disposal, this job is creating demand. Identify the age group that can be taken care of and any certification requirement. 


  1. Computer repairing: IT people can earn some extra cash through this side business. With the available knowledge in hand start by locally providing house service. Extend remote services by messaging online or video calling facilities to the clients. One can go to retail if the side business is a success.


  1. Modelling: For people with good looks and attitude, modelling is a good side business. But before entering into this complex field, get the knowledge of every nut and bolt. One can look for projects by themself or through a freelance agent. Build a strong portfolio to grow this idea into a more substantial scale.


  1. Computer training and lessons: With growing computers in schools, colleges and offices, there is a demand to learn this skill. Techies can, in their spare time, provide computer training to kids and older people. They can do this by personal tuitions or by creating online channels on platforms like Udemy.  


  1. Contract customer service: Businesses have started outsourcing their customer service to freelancers. One can get the taste of this side business by registering on Upwork. One needs skills like management and CSR to enter in this business. If one already possesses these skills, start with an online virtual team and build clientele. 


  1. Dog walking: Around 70% of US citizens have dogs, but they have no time to take them for a walk. If one has a thing for dogs, then use this opportunity for a regular side income. Take puppies and dogs for a walk around the near park and earn money.


  1. Real estate sales consultant: If one knows the judicial, monetary and trading concepts of real estate, one can opt for this side business. Buying and selling of properties are picking up once again. So if one can, one should begin by building clientele. Pick a team that can help to close more deals.


  1. Making custom furniture: If one’s hobby is making custom furniture, then they should feel lucky. These days everyone wants a personalised taste in everything they own. If one can fulfil this requirement by crafting custom furniture, then there is plenty of scope of earning in this business.


  1. Making handmade Jewellery: Handmade items are on high demand these days. If someone has the knack of designing handmade jewellery, it will be like a cherry on the cake. Teenage entrepreneurs have already earned a good name and money by entering into this field. With an estimated growth of 6%, this business is perfect.


  1. Being a gigwalker: If a person has free time, then he can earn money by doing amusing things. These things include adding the number of items on racks of supermarkets to clicking the pic of restaurant menus. The money offered by these jobs is from single-digit to three digits.


  1. Home Appraisal: Though this side business does not require a college degree but needs profound knowledge of various variables. The variables like reliable appraiser documents, mortgage brokers, banks etc. This sort of side business can possibly be managed from the comforts of your home. This can be a fun business if one can handle it.


  1. Human Billboard: The human billboard is for people who do not care what others think. In this side business, money is earned by tattooing a brand logo on a visible part of the body or subletting one’s beard. Students are opting for this side business to pay off their college fees.


  1. Purchasing an Existing Website: There are a lot of existing websites that have the potential to drive the audience towards it in the near future. These websites can be purchased at a lower cost and sold when they are attracting millions of the audience. One should have an eye to identifying these potential websites. 


  1. Mobile Laundry service: Everyone wants to wear neat and clean clothes. But taking clothes for laundry is a task. One can start a side business involving picking of the clothes from the house and delivering cleaned clothes back. This business has a huge market and good earnings.


  1. Junk removal service: One can earn extra money by making earth clean and clearing the garbage. This business does have few requirements, to begin with. One needs a truck and cleaning tools like shovels, rakes, garbage cans, trash grabbers and many others to set up this business.


  1. Becoming a Notary Public: People need witnesses for much judicial work like affidavits, power of attorney, agreements and oaths, to name a few. People are even willing to pay money for these witnesses to get their work done. So one can grab this opportunity to start his side business by becoming a Notary Public. 


  1. Wedding Planner: The wedding planner offers a wide range of services all in one package. They are responsible for catering, flowering, photography, dresses, venue and many others. If a person can build a network of these service providers, he can offer a tension-free wedding pan to his clients.


  1. Event and party planning: These planners providers cover a wide range of events, including weddings. They also build a network of different services for events like office parties, birthdays, seminars, conferences etc. This business can be operated from home. Once goodwill and clientele are built, they can be turned into a full-time business.


  1. Becoming a personal chef: With parents busy at day jobs and kids loaded with school homework, having a healthy meal becomes a task. If cooking is one’s passion, one can provide his services to these families during weekends and holidays. These families are willing to pay, and one can earn some extra cash.


  1. Pet sitting: Though the number of pet lovers is growing, taking care of the pets is getting difficult due to a busy schedule. This busy life has created a side business opportunity for people who love pets and want to earn extra money. Through this business, a new yorker is earning around 3000 dollars per month.


  1. Pet grooming: A person can offer services like pet grooming along with pet sitting if interested to have an additional income. But the person needs to be a pet lover. There may be some other requirements like licensing or legal documents depending on the state’s policy. One also needs a pet’s grooming kit for this business.


  1. Pool Cleaning: People love spending free time in swimming pools, especially during summers. But when it comes to cleaning, it is a pain. Most of the people rent swimming pool cleaning services. So one can start this side business either by personally doing this or by himself opening a business.


  1. Private Labeling and Selling Products on Amazon: The side business idea requires intense research. The research involves finding the products that one can be sold online, and that can generate money. One can look for various online courses to get knowledge of this side business.


  1. T-shirt printing business: The business of t-shirt printing is valued at millions of dollars. This includes big corporations and home-based entrepreneurs. This business is quite fulfilling for the people who have joined it. However, this business consumes a lot of time, so before starting do the necessary analysis of time, money and requirements.


Final Verdict


After going through a rich list of side business ideas, one would have got a little knowledge of his interest. The side business he would like to invest his spare time in and make extra income. Ensure to take these businesses slowly so that none of the ideas is creating a scenario of financial instability. 


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